If your income stopped today, who would pay your bills? Your partner, your parents? Do you have enough savings to meet your day to day living expenses? If the answer is no, you should consider income protection insurance. Your ability to earn an income is valuable and worth protecting.
Income Protection Cover Solution
Income Protection Cover is designed to provide you with an ongoing monthly income if you are unable to work due to sickness or injury. You can usually cover up to 75% of your income plus superannuation contributions.
A medical assessment is required prior to your cover being offered and put in force.
Benefits of Income Protection Cover
At My Insurance House we ensure the benefits and cover provided to our clients suits your needs. Some of our benefits include:
Premiums are generally tax deductable
Ongoing cover and no increase in your individual premium because of changes in your health, occupation or pastimes.
Variable waiting periods
The monthly benefit amount payable will not be offset by workers compensation or other legislative benefits.